Major Boost in Streaming

MORE Mithril Ore Token
2 min readMay 17, 2020

Streaming (Spotify — Over the Limit)

Mithril Ore Token (MORE) has seen some major breakthroughs over the course of the past two months. On April 13th, 2020, “Over the Limit” by the multi-platinum rap group, Tha Alkaholiks, was released and caught fire on Spotify. This song made start out hot — and hit major playlists. It has resulted in colossal streaming growth; such that, since the song’s release, our grand total of Spotify streams have almost doubled in quantity (same number of streams in the past 2 months as the previous 8 months). This data is only for Mithril OReDER and does not include the Moby / Julie Mintz release which further compiles into our success.

Streaming (Youtube — Bananas)

The song, “Bananas,” with Twista, Planet Asia, and Gonzoe sparked a monumental elevation for our moneitize Youtube views. Since the song’s release on May 7th, 2020, our Youtube views have undergone exponential growth. We commonly saw 100–300 monetized views per day, but now see 1,000–3,000+ views per day (Again, not including Julie Mintz / Moby release) Coupled with the success of “Over the Limit” on Spoitfy — — April and May 2020 have take Mithril Ore Token to the “Next Level” (pun intended).

Entire Decentralized Publishing — Stream for MORE Token Repertoire on Spotify.

Entire Mithril OReDER Stream for MORE Token Repertoire on Spotify.

Entire Decentralized Publishing Stream for MORE Token Repertoire on Youtube.

Entire Mithril OReDER Stream for MORE Token Repertoire on Youtube.

Remember! Streaming the above playlist adds to the Ethereum of Mithril Ore token in that all royalties generated go back into the token!

MORE GREAT STUFF ON THE WAY! We thank you for your continued support! Stay safe!
MORE Team!



MORE Mithril Ore Token

Novel #ERC20 utility token - fan/artist Stream Music free to generate Crypto via Ether-backing, Ethereum 2.0 Staking, Brave browser network