Mithril Ore — Best start to 2021

MORE Mithril Ore Token
3 min readJan 15, 2021


Beast Mode — STAKING

MORE token is one of the earliest adopters of Ethereum 2.0 Staking. We have been staking since December 18th, 2020. At this juncture the rewards for running validators this early will take years to obtain when the validator pool is full. Since we began staking for the Eth 2.0 (1216 Eth / 38 validators) we have earned +11.74 Ethereum ($14,665.37 by current value as of 1/14/2021).

Staking Ethereum since before the world knew that was a thing!

We are very proud of our validator results given we have been running them for under 1 month!!

Validating the Ethereum Network and getting rewards for MORE coin — A win-win

Validator Table Full?

Ethereum 2.0 Staking began on December 2nd 2020. The staking rewards early-on are quite high. In addition, later on in staking — there is a different dilemma… the number of validators is limited to 10,000,000 validators. The table is already more than 25% full and we are in it. Eventually MORE token will have a coveted spot in Ethereum staking that is not accessible to others even if they want to stake. The current graph from 1/14/2021 re: number of validators can be found below. The number of validators is rising Quickly!

It seems obvious… not everyone who wants to stake will be able to do so… Don’t worry — u got MORE!!!

Token — Hold / Accumulation

The Ethereum 2.0 upgrade is slated to be completed around 2023 (~ 2 years). Mithril Ore Token’s Eth 2.0 staking funds cannot be accessed until the Ethereum network upgrades to the point that the staked Ethereum can be withdrawn. Thus, MORE token redemption for ETH will need to wait until this occurs. At this point, MORE token is a proven winner with rewards from staking / and royalties from music continually adding to its Ethereum.

As a result of MORE coin being a sure-win — — most of our team’s personal contributions/stacks and community has also expressed and echoed the desire to hold and accumulate MORE tokens. In short, very few people wish to sell the token at this juncture.

For the aforementioned reasons, it will be up to the community to put the token on DEFI (i.e. Uniswap / if they so choose). Tokens are tough to come by. At our e-mail address, we make inquiry after inquiry aware that tokens are not currently available at this time. We see lack of availability as favorable in some ways as people tend to want what they cannot get.

Music Update

We have more music on the way — and the artist repertoire for 2021 is stronger than ever! We have more than 1.23 million streams on Spotify alone, not to mention other streaming services. Stream our playlists all day on repeat!!! On 1/15/21, Hip hop legend Rappin’ 4-Tay and DJ Pain 1 are releasing this gem below!

Check Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, I-tunes, for this classic.

We thank you for your continued support! Stay healthy! Stay safe!

MORE Team!



MORE Mithril Ore Token

Novel #ERC20 utility token - fan/artist Stream Music free to generate Crypto via Ether-backing, Ethereum 2.0 Staking, Brave browser network