MORE Token + Eth 2.0

MORE Mithril Ore Token
2 min readDec 11, 2020


Mithril Ore — The easiest way to Stake in Eth 2.0

MORE coin in QUEUE FOR Ethereum 2.0 STAKING

Mithril Ore token has become one of the few ways to delegate Proof of Stake for Ethereum 2.0. We are proud to announce that MORE coin is now in Queue to begin staking. Should be around 7 days from this e-mail. This is HUGE NEWS!!!

38 Validators = 1216 Eth

More than 1 million Streams for Mithril OReDER on Spotify alone

The music we have published and dedicated to generating mechanical royalties towards the token has seen increases in streaming every single month. This is a major utility for MORE token, which will continue to draw users, new token holders, fans, and attention. Our numbers on other streaming platforms for our published music are also quite strong!

Million + streams!!!

Plans for 2021

We have more music on the way — and the artist repertoire for 2021 is stronger than ever! Just by holding the token you are in for Eth 2.0 staking and we expect Eth 2.0 to unlock funds around 2022 or 2023 with access to all the Ethereum Staking and staking gains from running an Ethereum Node/validator. We expect, once we are out of the queue for staking, that this will give a price-point for the token such that it will appear on decentralized exchanges, like Uniswap.

Check out this alternative mix of a classic!

We thank you for your continued support! Stay healthy! Stay safe!

MORE Team!



MORE Mithril Ore Token

Novel #ERC20 utility token - fan/artist Stream Music free to generate Crypto via Ether-backing, Ethereum 2.0 Staking, Brave browser network